Code of Ethics
In all their professional work, members of the Association shall value integrity, impartiality and respect for the people who use their services. The relationship between members and their patients shall not be exploitative in any way. Taking account of obligations under law, members shall hold the interest and welfare of those in receipt of their services, either as patients or trainees, to be paramount at all times.
These values are formalised in the Ethical Framework – British Psychoanalytic Council ( All clinical members of NEAPP must be registered with BPC.
From time to time the Code is updated and the Chair of Ethics is responsible for communicating changes to the membership.
All Members must adhere to the 2021 BPC Safeguarding Statement .
Dr Jan McGregor Hepburn is the Safeguarding Lead for NEAPP.
Complaints and Concerns Procedures
A new Trainee Complaints Procedure is provided. Complaints against BPC Registrants are dealt with initially by the BPC Ethics Committee, which is made up of the Chairs of Ethics of all Member Institutions. If there is deemed to be cause for a formal investigation, special investigating panels are drawn up from those in a pool of member institutions and lay members. Full details of these processes are in the can be found on the BPC website.
British Psychoanalytic Council, Unit 7, 19-23 Wedmore Street,
London N19 4RU, T: 020-7561-9240, E: